For many years BKG has been supporting communities in the areas of health, education, infrastructure development, construction, environmental protection, feeding, and sports. However, its support has been implemented in a scattered manner over the past years. In the year 2021, BKG Foundation was officially registered. It is led by Mrs. Adanech Kefale, the spouse and business partner of Mr. Belayneh Kindie. BKG Foundation has been bestowed with various tasks in shouldering out its various corporate responsibilities, especially in the last four years. Mrom /2018-2023/ BKG has spent more than ETB 450 million and fulfilled its social responsibilities. Some of the donations and philanotropic activities provided by the BKG are listed below:

  • BKG Purchased a Bond amounting to ETB 36 million for the construction of the GERD
  • It donated ETB 75 million for the “Gebeta Lehager and Gebeta Leshegerand Gebeta letewolde ” beautification projects of Addis Ababa.
  • BKBKG provided ETB 28 million to the rehabilitation efforts of Oromia, Amhara, and Somali Regional governments for internally displaced citizens
  • BKG provided ETB 10 million to the West Gojam Zone Administration to serve as a revolving fund for job creation endeavors for the youth.
  • BKG has built a feeding center in Addis Ababa city that can accommodate one meal for up to 500 people per day. The center was constructed at a cost of more than ETB 15 million. The annual budget of the feeding center is ETB 5.5 million.
  • It constructed and transferred 20 houses for low-income citizens of Bahir Dar city.
  • BKG constructed and transferred 10 houses for low-income citizens of Fenotselam city at ETB 15 million.
  • 163 citizens living with low income in Bure city are being given ETB 1500 every month permanently.
  • A kindergarten was built at ETB 16 million in the Gelan sub-city, Sheger City Administration, Oromia Region.
  • BKG has constructed a G+2 school at Bure town at a cost of ETB 15 million.
  • BKG has built and handed over a library and ict center for Damot High School in Finote Selam at a cost of ETB 7 million.
  • BKG Group in partnership with Medrock Investment Group have built a primary school in Mankusa town.
  • BKG is building a G+6 apartment for 56 low-income households in Addis Ababa for ETB 100 million.
  • BKG Donated ETB 3.1 million for Tikur Anbesa Hospital Cardiac Center and ETB 3 million for maintenance of the hospital;
  • We have been engaged in school feeding programs by allocating ETB 10 million for 10 years.
  • BKG donated ETB 9.5 million for the Prevention of the COVID-19 epidemic
  • BKG allocated ETB 1 million annual budget for Sekela Woreda Athletics Club፡
  • Other donations for social services amount to 40,140,833.00.