BK Freight & fuel Transport

  • It was established in 2006 mainly to provide integrated cargo service for its own export and import business.
  • Currently, it owns 43 dry heavy-duty cargo and 63 fuel cargo transporting trucks.

Golden Bus Luxury transport

  • Was established in 2017 to provide luxury bus transport service for middle-income society.
  • It provides public transport service using 20 Golden Dragon Luxury Buses.

Velocity Express

Velocity Express is a new company formed under Belayneh Kinde Group, and the purpose of its establishment is to provide modern public transport services in Addis Ababa. For the first time, the company has launched its operation with 20 electric mini busses. Each minibus can transport 15 passengers. The company has also deployed 2 electric buses with 40 seats and a capacity of carrying up to 70 passengers each. The organization is a pioneer in introducing electric vehicles for public transport in Addis Ababa.